College Readiness
Saginaw Community Foundation Scholarships
The Saginaw Community Foundation has provided more than $2.3 million to area students to help with the cost of pursuing a post-secondary education. They now administer about 150 scholarships, helping to fulfill the wishes of donors who want to provide financial support to promising students in the Great Lakes Bay Region and throughout Michigan.
College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Register for the SAT or get ready with official practice tests and questions. There are separate pages for students, parents and educators.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
U.S. Department of Education free application for Federal Student Aid.
Community Resources
Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
Apply for employment and volunteer opportunities with the Public Libraries of Saginaw.
Did you know that your library card can be your best travel companion? Discover hundreds of Michigan's cultural destinations and natural attractions with your Michigan library card! You can "check out" FREE or discounted admission passes (or other exclusive offers) to hundreds of Michigan state parks, campgrounds, museums, trails, arts & cultural destinations, and more.
Saginaw Teen Reads Blog
Check out the latest teen book reviews in a blog just for you!
21 Things 4 Students

Biography Reference Center
More than 450,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.
Britannica Fundamentals
Britannica School

Britannica School - Elementary

Britannica School - High

Britannica School - Middle

College Admissions Test Preparation
Practice tests, preparation eBooks, and tutorials for the ACT®, SAT, 12 AP subjects, PSAT/NMSQT, and TOEFL iBT® exams. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay.
College Board

Early World of Learning

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

Fact Monster

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Gale Virtual Reference Library

High School Equivalency Center

History Reference Center
Documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals. Also includes biographies of historical figures.
Khan Academy

LearningExpress Library

MasterFile Complete
Broad collection of popular full-text magazines and reference books. Contains Consumer Reports. Covers subjects including: business, health, education, fitness, sports and leisure, personal finance, general science, multicultural issues, DIY, and fashion. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.
NoveList K-8 Plus

NoveList Plus

Contains information on over 260,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles. Features lists of award-winning books, book discussion guides, Read-a-Like recommendations, and complete series information. Also includes reader ratings and reviews. Create your own reading wish list.
Points of View Reference Center

Quiz Hub

Saginaw Community Foundation Scholarships

School Center

World Book Kids