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BedTime Math

Bedtime Math
Resources are used to advance the mission of helping kids learn to love math. Daily math problems, a bedtime math book, Crazy 8s Club, Math on the Go printable games to use during car time, and short, fun videos for solving math problems.

Bentley Historical Library

Bentley Historical Library
Repository for original, unpublished archival and manuscript collections pertaining to the history of the University of Michigan and the state of Michigan. Part of the University of Michigan.

Biography Reference Center

Biography Logo

More than 450,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.

Britannica Fundamentals

Britannica Fundamentals
Pre K - 2nd grade. Activity-centered learning to explore, play, read, and build technology skills. Letters, numbers, geography, shapes and much more are included.

Britannica School

Britannica School
Suite of Britannica School resources at four levels - Learning Zone, Elementary, Middle, and High. People, countries, science, animals, current events, and biographies.

Britannica School - Elementary

Britannica School - Elementary
Grades 3-4. Find information on countries, animals, and people in articles, media, and a world atlas. Watch and learn with videos, games, and activities.

Britannica School - High

Britannica School - High
High School and adult. Primary sources for quick facts and in-depth information on history, geography, people, places, science, and much more. Biographies, world atlas, countries comparison, articles and interactive resources are available.

Britannica School - Middle

Britannica School - Middle
Grades 5-7. Homework help and discovery learning. Explore maps, photos, articles, famous people and places, compare countries, and tour the U.S.A.

Business Book Summaries

Business Book Summaries Logo

Provides concise, comprehensive summaries of the best business books. Professionals and students can use these to keep up with the latest information in the business world.