Anhaga by Lisa Henry
Anhaga, by Lisa Henry, is a delicious gay fantasy romance with just the right mix of electric sexual tension and magical adventure. We meet Min, the best thief in Amberwich with the worse reputation. His nephew has gotten in trouble with one of the most powerful families in the city, resulting in a nasty curse. In order to undo the curse he must offer his services to the despised Sabadine family. If Min can return from the dangerous city of Anhaga with something of great value, the curse will be lifted.
Of course, this is nowhere near a straightforward task. To begin with, the “something” being stolen turns out to be a “someone.” Kazimir Stone is his name, and it turns out he is running away from an incestuous arranged marriage. Min sympathizes with him and those feelings quickly develop into something more complicated. He faces a difficult decision; can he save his nephew’s life by ruining the life of another innocent man?
Anhaga is a fast-past story of underdogs and elven romance that will leave you blushing. Recommended for all fans of m/m romance.
Reviewed by Kalum Meyers, Zauel Library