Our Bookmobile is on the move, bringing mobile services to partner agencies all around Saginaw! And we're currently looking to add more stops to our regular routes.
Bookmobile stops are scheduled once a month and typically last an hour, during which patrons can sign up for a library card, check out books and Chromebooks, get help accessing the library’s ebook collections and return library materials.
Unlike Bookmobiles of the past, the current Public Libraries of Saginaw Mobile Outreach Vehicle is designed to transport books but not be a self-contained unit. “Setting up our mobile library inside the places we visit is a huge plus for residents and guests,” Outreach Library Assistant and Bookmobile operator Beth Lasky says. “We make it super easy for people to access our books by bringing the library right to them.”
If you represent a school, community center, senior center or other local agency that would like Bookmobile visits, get the process started by filling out our online registration form at www.saginawlibrary.org/bookmobile_application. If you have questions, or need help, please contact Lasky at blasky@saginawlibrary.org or (989) 280-0837.