Trying by Kobi Yamada with illustrations by Elise Hurst
Trying is something we all do throughout our life journey. This book is about trying and sometimes failing and then trying again and the decisions we make to keep trying even after failures. At the start of this book a young person approaches a sculptor and asks how he had created such amazing things and the sculptor starts a conversation with the young person about trying a new skill. The young person quickly states his doubt and the sculptor tells the young person that you will not know what you can do unless you try. As the young person keeps trying and becomes frustrated and even quits trying temporarily he is reminded by the sculptor that failure is a part of life and even though it can be disappointing and even heartbreaking it is a necessary step sometimes to our successes. This is a story of persistence and determination that young and old will enjoy sharing and it will stay with you long after. You may even want to try something again! The beautiful artwork adds immensely to this story.
Reviewed by Michelle Zimostrad, Hoyt Library