Kids Catalog
This online catalog is kid friendly!
Preschool Storytime
Read-aloud stories, finger plays, music, and other fun activities help young children gain self-confidence, develop language skills, and appreciate the love of books and reading.
This free program is currently offered on Fridays at Butman-Fish at 10:30 a.m. and Saturdays at Zauel at 10:30 a.m. Zauel also offers a Tales for Twos storytime especially for toddlers on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., with a repeat Tales for Twos on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
See our event calendar for the most up-to-date information, including schedule changes.
Saginaw Children Read Blog
Check out the latest children's book reviews from Public Libraries of Saginaw staff.
Children's Databases
21 Things 4 Students

BedTime Math

Biography Reference Center
More than 450,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.
Britannica Fundamentals
Britannica School

Britannica School - Elementary

Britannica School - High

Britannica School - Middle

CIA Spy Kids

College Admissions Test Preparation
Practice tests, preparation eBooks, and tutorials for the ACT®, SAT, 12 AP subjects, PSAT/NMSQT, and TOEFL iBT® exams. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay.
DLTK's Crafts for Kids

Early World of Learning

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

Environmental Health Sciences for Kids

Fact Monster

Fish Identification

Fun Brain

Gale Virtual Reference Library

High School Equivalency Center

History Reference Center
Documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals. Also includes biographies of historical figures.
Inkless Tales

Interactives: Elements of a Story

International Children's Digital Library - Simple Search

Into the Book

Khan Academy


LearningExpress Library

Lil' Fingers Storybooks

MasterFile Complete
Broad collection of popular full-text magazines and reference books. Contains Consumer Reports. Covers subjects including: business, health, education, fitness, sports and leisure, personal finance, general science, multicultural issues, DIY, and fashion. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.
Michigan Bugs and Insects

Mr. R's World of Math and Science

NoveList K-8 Plus

NoveList Plus

Contains information on over 260,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles. Features lists of award-winning books, book discussion guides, Read-a-Like recommendations, and complete series information. Also includes reader ratings and reviews. Create your own reading wish list.

Grades PreK-3. Animals (including dinosaurs) and social studies sections of this early literacy and learning tool. Easy-to-navigate visual interface for emerging readers.
Points of View Reference Center

Quiz Hub

Reading Rockets

Robert Munsch Site

School Center



Storyline Online

Wildflower Database

World Book Kids